Journal Entry 4


I think I can say that Lilly in the Darkness is finished without any more bugs ( sometimes it is clipping but let's say that that is just light and how sun moves haha). I will post gameplay (and will send it) throught out this day The worst thing to implement and to work on were probably the dialogues (I have to admit I did use AI to generate some of the dialogues) and the graphics ( since if I don't count the forest and icons I did draw everything myself ... took a lot of time since I don't know how to draw). We can see from my drawings that I learned a lot (at least to work with procreate on my iPad). It has a 3 different endings as promised and choices are working quite nicely , not perfect but since it took me around week to figure out how to make it to work the best with what I have had already implemented .

Overall thoughts are quite goood. It has everything I wanted. I didn't find the need to have a combat, I was thinking about puzzles or some jumping platforms but it didn't quite sit right with me with this type of story. The story is dark. There is a girl in a depression that doesn't know if she wants help or not so you guide her through choices and people you meet. Some choices are not as good as they seems. You need to look in to the story and see hidden meanings in words. And that's what I feel and think that depression and deep sadness looks like. It is not about you are sad or depressed but more about the why. Why am I feeling like this? Maybe petting a dog would bring me some joy? Maybe not.

I would like you to read into this short story and play and feel it throught. Try all the 3 endings and experience my awesome drawings ( :D ).

The project overall might took around 45-50ish hours (?) if I count all the drawings and researcb videos and implementing mechanics.  Without the trailer, I feel like that will took me hours tomorrow (practically today since Ipve started to write this devlog yesterday 20.5 and it is past midnight now)

So , good night and enjoy playing.


BuildFinalVersion (4).zip 37 MB
May 20, 2023
BuildFinalVersion (3).zip
May 20, 2023

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