Journal Entry 3

Date 14.3/15.3 .2023

Duration :

Ages ... What I thought is going to be easy 2 hour homework max took me around 6(+-). The script walkthrouht are not good written and I was being lost in words and "tutorials" more than I wanted and even now when everything is as it should be by tutorials the column does not break but plays the animation of the force either way....

Over all I think even when scripting is not the easiest since we want one outcome and it doesn't come even after hours :D I hope of foxing this problem soon- it was breaking until i putted the forces with vectors and now it just plays the dust animation and after an hour trying to fix that I gave up and am going to sleep since it is 1:30 am.

Files 84 MB
Mar 15, 2023

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There is a small mistake with the bullets. If I shoot to the left, they spawn to the right of me and therefore hit my character and disappear. Maybe taking another look at this could be helpful.

Yes I know, I’ m still trying to deal with that since I have no idea why is it doing that. It is set to the left Ellen spawn point but not working properly.

That's really curious. Maybe you can message me on discord and show me the code and unity component setup. It's hard to guess what's wrong without it. (I'm Rony on the gamedev server.)

Sure will ! But probably throught the day :)